

07 March 2011

7.3.2011 - speechless

this is gonna be a post without any pictures.
anyone that get tired of words, can just close this window.

i told myself that i shouldnt post anything that is not-happy here.
but i cant help it.

heard a shocking news from weisiang
and i dont know how to react.
but it has been bothering me the past nights.

i still felt bad about it.
but i felt that it is only good for me not to attend the wake.

for not talking to each other for like more than 5years.
and the only reason for me to show up is due to someone's death.
i doubt this is good.
thus, i decided not to turn up.
in order not to worsen the situation.
perhaps is ego at work.

i do not feel good.
i felt terrible.
not being able to sleep well.
tons of past people went through my mind at night.
wendy's mom, wen bin, her bro, my grandfathers...

i cant help
and i cant sleep in peace.

hope the prayers i chant might help.